OMNIVERSE: The Future of the Internet

What is a computer?

Humans have augmented themselves and added onto the original computer created by the universe. 

The universe figured our computers a long time ago way before the modern implementation available today. It has gone through many iterations over billions of years. Each time better and more ‘intelligent’ than the previous. Code was introduced into the universe in the form of ‘bio-code’. The bio-code is DNA and RNA. This code requires a ‘compiler’ which the universe supplies a wide variety of compilers in the form of planets. Granted most planets are not suitable to compile the bio-code into a computer, hence the limited growth and evidence of ‘computers’. Earth provides the healthiest mixture of ‘compiler elements’ to successfully compile the bio-code.  The by product of this compilation is life. Life has spread out across diverse ecosystems to increase the possibilities and potentialities of survival. It has gone through many different iterations and eventually landed on the human species who have created their own version of a computer. These computers created by the universes’ computers are vastly limited in their capabilities compared to their creators. Yet the by product has powered massive industrial revolutions and connected the humans together in ways previously not possible. Humans have augmented themselves and added onto the original computer created by the universe. 

What is the internet?

Ideas and memes spread through these social networks like digital drugs affecting the global consciousness and hence affecting our reality.

The internet as we know it is a group of interconnected computers relaying data back and forth. This flow of data goes through pipes to reach users on either end. The pipes are physical and digital. The pipes are controlled by different entities ranging from governments to private corporations who profit over the flow, analysis and sale of the data. Data is the most valuable asset at the moment. Data has been valuable for many decades since before the inception of computers and continues to increase in value over time. Until we are a multiplanetary species and the need for massive amounts of raw exotic materials increases, data will be the most valuable asset to the human species. Even then using data to locate and extract those raw materials will be very important and in turn further solidifying the value of data. There is no end in sight to when data will no longer be valuable. Until then we can focus on openness, usability, and accessibility in terms of this DATA MACHINE we have built for our species. 

Our brains, our minds, our consciousness interact with the environment via our body. Our body consists of limbs with hands and feet and most importantly a face. Our face contains multiple sensory organs capable of inputting and outputting. One of them being our mouth with vocal cords capable of manipulating complex tone patterns giving us the power of spoken language. This gives our minds powerful abilities unlike most species to communicate with one another. The internet we have created has only extended these capabilities exponentially. We have connected our minds together into a globally connected consciousness. We are in a constant state of recursive feedback. Our internal neural networks constantly pump ideas and data about our reality into each other. Each idea or question we ask ourselves and others trigger chain reactions of recursive actions in our minds. This recursive action is the essence of thought and harnessing it allows us to bring those ideas into reality.

The high throughput of data makes this effect even stronger. Social media platforms give individuals a stage where they can reach a global audience. Ideas and memes spread through these social networks like digital drugs affecting the global consciousness and hence affecting our reality. Platforms thrive on virality which drives user attention rates up turning into massive amounts of dollars pouring in from advertisers. Trends change, morph, resurface, and affect the global consciousness on a minute to minute basis. We have created a machine where we are the product. Companies are paying billions of dollars for our attention and we are seeing none of that. We get to connect with millions of people but we have to give up our privacy in the process. Our data is valuable and the machine we have created has the potential for so much more. 

How do we tap into that potential? 

It is not an escape from reality but an extended layer on top that adds functionality beyond what is possible in our reality.

Tapping into the data and displaying the information we want is the goal. We have accomplished this on very low resolutions. ULTIMATE RESOLUTION would be a display of reality indistinguishable from reality. This type of hyper-reality would appear the same or enhanced to a conscious being. This type of technology has deep ethical dilemmas to be taken into account as well as leaps in technology till it sees reality. It may seem like science fiction at the moment but the rate at which we are advancing leads me to believe that in the future technology that comes close will not be far fetched. 

Turning the world into a display starts with data. Designing OMNIVERSE to be a data centric system is crucial. It begins by inputting data onto a digital reference model of the universe. Over time this model would update and carry the data for hyperlocal geospatial visual data and metadata. The associated metadata will be connected with more than one data point. The data points will be flexible and have the ability to change over time. OMNIVERSE is born as a digital reference model of not just our planet Earth but of our entire universe. This model of reality will have all of the capabilities of reality and more. It gives humans the ability to step into the experience of another human. Experience reality from another human's point of view. What is the data structure/scheme of the entire universe? How do we query the universe? How do we turn back time? How do we look forward in time? These are problems OMNIVERSE will provide solutions to. OMNIVERSE will be the medium via which data flows freely. The universe is the unfolding of data via the operating system we call reality. OMNIVERSE is the omniscient operating system designed to collect and intelligently assemble the massive amounts of data unfolding at every moment. It is an ambient operating system where data flows from one device to another seamlessly. There is no defined hardware. There are no defined peripherals. OMNIVERSE is the medium. It is an ecosystem for  creative expression and human connection. It is not an escape from reality but an extended layer on top that adds functionality beyond what is possible in our reality. A relativistic realm where people can experience reality in ways only limited to the imaginations of creators and developers that utilize the technology.

How is OMNIVERSE created? 

It's the creation of an ecosystem where ideas are the fuel and data is the foundation in which the next generation of ideas can be brought into reality.

It begins with individuals. The individual is only a small percentage of the entire collective human organism. The individual only has access to limited computing power within the bio-computer of the mind. This bio-computer receives inputs from the sensory organs available to it. The most prominent and high throughput sensory organ is the EYE. The eyes ingest photons which are processed within the mind to make sense of the reality around the individual. Is this processed mechanical and chemical or both? The answer lies within the framework for our reality, quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is the operating system in which our reality is constructed. The foundational layer. Quantum mechanics gives a framework for the creation of every and anything that has the potential to be possible. Everything that could happen does happen. Individuals are the living breathing instance of this. Nobody has lived through the exact same experience that any other individual has in the past, present or future. With the advent of computers and the internet we have given ourselves the ability to sync our individual realities with the realities of other individuals in a way that has a very low resolution.

Updating a status on social media or sharing a picture or video allows other individuals to experience another individual's reality. This immortalizes the realities we produce as long as the platform continues to exist. This is done by manipulating information within the computers we have created. The computers we created are very limited in their abilities compared to the computers that the universe created. How is this scaled? Quantum computers may be the immediate answer to that question but why not go back to the computers that the universe created, the human minds.

This is not about physically connecting human minds together. It is about bringing individuals together from all across the globe in an effort to solve problems in creative ways with capabilities not yet possible within the systems we have in place. Leading technology professionals building next generation tools for creative development. An unbridled creative engine. Finding a way to connect people in a shared relativistic omnipresent space. Bringing individuals' creative minds closer together.

Individuals assimilate into communities and build trust with one another. Subcommunities emerge and individuals eventually connect with those who share common beliefs and ideas. Within these communities true creative work can take place. Individuals will open up on the deepest levels with others whom they see as close to equals. True creation and collaboration can take place within these spaces. The realities of these individuals become synced on emotional and intellectual levels. This brings people closer together than ever before. It's the creation of an ecosystem where ideas are the fuel and data is the foundation in which the next generation of ideas can be brought into reality. There are no bounds within the imagination and tapping into that is not just a goal but a must if humans are going to survive in this vast universe. 

What does the future hold?

OMNIVERSE is the medium that facilitates that by connecting people and extending their cognitive abilities.

Modern day human’s collective actions have negative effects on the mother every life forms shares. Mother Earth. Our compiler. Our creator. Our shield. Our spaceship. Our home. Earth is nested inside of a solar system within the Milky Way Galaxy which is a collection of billions of solar systems. As far as humans are aware there is no other life in the galaxy or universe. The search for life has led humans to the constant conclusion that we are alone in this vast universe. Are we the first intelligent species in the universe? This is a hard question that raises many emotions. First humans are intrigued by the thought of being the first. We are greedy and selfish and the thought of being first is a competitive drive buried deep within our subconscious. Second, humans will experience sadness and loneliness within the realization of being alone. Sadness will be and is the death of a lot of hope. Hope for something greater is the only way forward. 

To hope and care for a cause pulls individuals out of sadness to realize that being first is exciting. To be the pioneer in this universe. The architects of this reality. The creators of the future. Humans must get it right so life can prosper across the solar system. The galaxy. The universe. Humans must find the drive, the creative spark, the energy already within ourselves to bring new ideas into reality that can accomplish this massive task. One single individual is not enough. Collaboration on a global scale is the only way forward. OMNIVERSE is the medium that facilitates that by connecting people and extending their cognitive abilities. Creating an ecosystem for the global consciousness to not only to survive but to thrive. A place where the only limitations are the ones humans put on themselves.