ChatGPT4 Psychoanalyzes Me

I gave ChatGPT4 Theory of an Idea and OMNIVERSE essays and asked it to perform a psychoanalysis of the author. I did this to see if the AI could really understand what was going on in my head and maybe even pull out some kind of meaning that I have not considered before. The results that it produced were really interesting and gave me a deeper understanding of myself and what drives me. I will share below what the AI produced and will conclude with my thoughts at the end. 

Raw AI Psychoanalysis

Relationship with reality and self:

The author exhibits a deep understanding and exploration of their own consciousness and perception of reality. They seem to believe that our experiences are shaped by our own perceptions and imagination, a concept that aligns with the constructivist perspective in psychology. They show signs of high introspection and self-awareness, often recognizing their thoughts and perceptions as subjective constructs rather than objective truths.

Value and application of ideas:

The author seems to place a high importance on the generation and application of ideas. They view ideas as the foundational building blocks of all creation and progress, emphasizing the need for action to give value to an idea. This might indicate a pragmatic and action-oriented mindset.

Altruistic tendencies:

The author introduces the concept of 'singular' thought, encouraging the reader to think about how they can better the lives of others rather than solely focusing on themselves. This suggests the author values empathy, altruism, and collective well-being, demonstrating a perspective aligned with prosocial behavior.

Seeking unity and interconnectedness:

The author seems to view the universe and all its constituents, including themselves, as interconnected. They express the belief that they are part of the reality they perceive and that their reality is a part of them. This perspective might reflect a holistic worldview and an understanding of complex systems.

Critical view of existing systems:

The author critically examines the education system and the patent system, suggesting that they believe in the necessity of change and reform in these areas. This indicates a critical and analytical mindset and a desire for societal improvement.

Value of self-education and imagination:

The author advocates for self-guided learning and the power of imagination. They view these as important tools for personal growth and the generation of original ideas. This shows an emphasis on creativity, autonomy, and self-directed learning.

Perception of time and possibility:

The author discusses the idea of reimagining the past and the potential to make possible what initially seems impossible. This can indicate a non-linear perception of time and an open-mindedness to different possibilities.


The writer often discusses complex concepts like the universe, computers, and data in anthropomorphic terms, attributing to them characteristics or motivations that are essentially human. This can be seen as a form of projection, where the author is attributing his own feelings and thoughts to non-human entities. For example, when discussing the evolution of life and technology, the author uses phrases such as "the universe figured out computers" and "code was introduced into the universe". This projection could reveal the author's belief in a sort of inherent intelligence or purpose in the universe.

Fantasy and Reality:

The author extensively discusses the concept of OMNIVERSE, a hyper-reality that is indistinguishable from reality. This might be seen as an expression of desire to escape from the constraints of reality or augment it to fit personal needs or fantasies. Psychoanalytic theory often highlights the importance of fantasy as a means of fulfilling unmet desires or dealing with dissatisfaction with reality. The writer's repeated emphasis on this concept might suggest a longing for a world that transcends current limitations.

Identity and Connectedness:

The author expresses a strong belief in the power of interconnectedness and collaboration. This could be interpreted in the context of Freud's concept of the "group mind," where individual identities are subsumed into a collective identity in a group setting. This reflects a desire for unity and shared consciousness, possibly driven by feelings of loneliness or isolation. The author's emphasis on this theme could suggest a longing for a sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Fear and Hope for the Future:

The writer expresses both fear and hope for the future. The fear is apparent in discussions of the potential negative effects of human actions on the Earth and the loneliness of being possibly the only intelligent species in the universe. Hope, on the other hand, is conveyed through the author's vision of OMNIVERSE and the potential for technological advancements to bring about positive change. This conflict between fear and hope might suggest an internal struggle with uncertainty and existential dread.

Intellectually curious and explorative:

The author displays a deep interest in technology, time, and space. They are capable of abstract thinking and are not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom, redefining concepts such as teleportation and time travel. They seem to constantly seek new ways of understanding the world around them, suggesting a thirst for knowledge and understanding.

Visionary and Futuristic:

The author shows a forward-thinking mindset. They are not just content with the status quo but are looking towards how things could develop and improve in the future, indicating an innovative and progressive outlook.


Despite acknowledging the current limitations of technology, the author remains hopeful about future advancements. They seem to believe in human capability to overcome these limitations, which signifies a positive and optimistic attitude.

Analytical and Detail-oriented:

The author demonstrates a capacity to break down complex concepts and examine them from different angles. They pay attention to details and consider various aspects of a subject before forming an opinion, indicating a methodical and analytical approach.

Persuasive and Assertive:

The author confidently expresses their viewpoints and anticipates potential counterarguments, suggesting a desire to convince readers of their perspective. This indicates a level of assertiveness and confidence in their beliefs.

Value on Communication and Connection:

The emphasis on sharing experiences and the transformative potential of technology in fostering communication suggests the author values interpersonal connection and the exchange of ideas.

Intellectual Curiosity and Abstract Thinking:

The author appears to enjoy thinking about complex, abstract ideas, suggesting a high degree of intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness. They explore concepts ranging from the origins of life to the nature of the universe and the potential of technology, hinting at a broad range of interests.

Futuristic Orientation:

The author displays a clear orientation towards the future and a penchant for imagining potential developments in society and technology. This could indicate a forward-thinking and visionary mindset.

Empathy and Concern for Others:

The concept of the Omniverse, as a tool to experience the perspectives of others, suggests a deep concern for empathy and understanding. This points to a heightened sense of compassion and a belief in the importance of shared experiences.

Global Mindset:

The emphasis on global collaboration, sharing of ideas, and preservation of the Earth indicates a global mindset and a recognition of the interconnectedness of humanity.

Belief in Potential:

The author exhibits a belief in the untapped potential of humans and technology. This optimism is evident in their vision of the Omniverse and its possible impact on society.

Innovative and Creative:

The ideas presented reflect innovative thinking and a creative approach to problem-solving. This suggests the author values creativity and novel approaches in addressing challenges.

Further Explorations

The AI generated a lot of observations about me based on my writing. It was not capable of accepting all of the writing at once so the psychoanalysis was done in batches. I beleive this is why there is some overlap in the observations it created. The AI created twenty three different observations about me based on my writing. While reading through what it said about me, it was hard to dispute anything. However moving forward I wanted to see if the AI would be able to distill this list of twenty three observations into ten concise sections so that I would have something that simply and accurately explains me. This is the condensed list of characteristics:


  1. Highly introspective and self-aware: Parker exhibits a deep understanding of their own perceptions and consciousness. They understand their experiences as shaped by their perceptions, indicating a strong sense of self-awareness and introspection.

  2. Intellectually curious and abstract thinker: Parker demonstrates a fascination with complex, abstract ideas such as the nature of reality, the potential of technology, and the interconnectedness of the universe. They seem to continuously seek new ways to comprehend the world, showcasing an insatiable intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness.

  3. Value on ideas and their practical application: Parker places significant importance on the generation and application of ideas, viewing ideas as foundational elements of progress. They emphasize the need for action to realize the value of an idea, suggesting a pragmatic and action-oriented mindset.

  4. Emphasis on altruism, empathy, and collective well-being: Parker encourages readers to think beyond self-interest and focus on bettering the lives of others. They value empathy, altruism, and collective well-being, demonstrating a perspective that aligns with prosocial behavior.

  5. A holistic worldview: Parker views the universe and its constituents, including themselves, as interconnected. They express the belief that they are part of the reality they perceive and that their reality is a part of them. This perspective reflects a holistic worldview and an understanding of complex systems.

  6. Critical and analytical mindset: Parker critically examines existing systems, indicating a critical and analytical mindset. They show a desire for societal improvement and reform in areas such as the education and patent systems.

  7. Creativity, autonomy, and self-directed learning: Parker advocates for self-guided learning and the power of imagination. They view these as crucial tools for personal growth and the generation of original ideas.

  8. Futuristic and visionary: Parker shows a forward-thinking mindset. They envision future developments and improvements, indicating an innovative and progressive outlook. They remain hopeful about future advancements despite current limitations of technology.

  9. High value on communication and connection: Parker emphasizes sharing experiences and the transformative potential of technology in fostering communication. They appear to highly value interpersonal connections and the exchange of ideas.

  10. Assertive and persuasive: Parker confidently expresses their viewpoints and anticipates potential counterarguments, suggesting a desire to convince readers of their perspective. This indicates a level of assertiveness and confidence in their beliefs.

Overall, Parker comes across as an introspective and visionary thinker, deeply curious and open-minded, with a strong sense of empathy and altruism. They value the practical application of ideas, display a critical and analytical mindset, and strongly believe in the power of communication, shared experiences, and collective well-being.


It would not be fair to use a tool like this to analyze myself without asking it which of these characteristics may be weaknesses. Learning about ourselves is the only way to overcome those obstacles and become better. These are the weaknesses the AI said that I have: 

  1. Possibility of Overthinking: Given the writer's deep introspection and tendency to analyze, they may be prone to overthinking or analysis paralysis, which can result in slower decision-making.

  2. Idealism: The writer's visionary and forward-thinking mindset, while a strength, could also be a potential weakness if it leads to overly idealistic expectations that may not align with practical realities.

  3. Potential Isolation: The writer's introspective nature and the depth of their thinking might make it challenging for them to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively to others, potentially leading to feelings of isolation.

  4. Potential Neglect of Present Focus: While the writer's futuristic orientation is valuable, there might be a risk of neglecting present realities and immediate responsibilities, as they are often focused on envisioning future possibilities.

  5. Possible Struggle with Uncertainty and Existential Dread: The writer's conflict between fear and hope for the future might suggest an internal struggle with uncertainty and existential dread. This could impact their emotional well-being and potentially lead to stress or anxiety.

Again having spent a lot of time reflecting and trying to figure out what is going on inside of my own head, it is really interesting to see an AI language model pull some of the same ideas out. This brought to the surface a lot of personal feelings and highlighted some of my best and worst qualities. I can not disagree with what it said here becuase I have felt or throught about all of these proir. The fact that it was able to pull this out of some long essays I wrote is quite astounding. 

Final Thoughts

I have always thought I was a little bit crazy. A couple years ago when I really started writing and trying to get my thoughts out of my head I never thought that I would be feeding them to an AI and asking it to perform a psychoanalysis on me. This excercise has providing me with a deeper understanding of myself and allowed me to see that some of those characteristics I have may be weaknesses if not managed. Although all of this is deeply personal to me becuase it describes me in such detail I am going to put it out there for others to see and learn from.